Quality of Life Reports
These reports contain information in support of priority problems as recommended by the Florida Substance Abuse Response Guide (SARG). The reports will be arranged by the data categories: Consequences, Consumption, Contributing, and Capacity. A full description of each of these categories is explained on the RDMC Mission page. Click here to view.
1. Consequences
a. Academic Performance
1a.001 Students Absent 21+ Days
1a.003 School Graduation and Dropout Rates
1a.004 School ACT and SAT Test Results
b. Crime and Misdemeanors
1b.001 School Crime and Violence
1b.003 Total Arrests and Substance Abuse
c. Economic Impacts
1c.001 Economic Impacts of Underage Drinking
d. Health, Morbidity, and Mortality
1d.001 Youth Sexually-Transmitted Diseases
1d.002 TMH Emergency Room Admissions
1d.003 Teenage Pregnancy and Teen Births
e. Transportation/ Vehicular and Mobility
1e.002 Youth and Motor Vehicle Crashes