Tallahassee/Leon RDMC strives to build a stronger coalition working with others to improve the health and well-being of individuals in Leon County. Our goal is to fulfill the 12 sector requirement with partners whose interests are preventing substance abuse. These partners contribute much time, resources, and expertise as the advisory council for the coalition. Their contributions enable the Tallahassee/Leon Responsible Decision Making Coalition to further the vision and mission of the organization.
Mission & Vision
To reduce underage drinking, binge drinking, smoking and all other
forms of substance abuse among the youth and college students in
Leon County thereby lowering the human costs and the financial costs
associated with addiction and abuse.
Vision/End State:
A healthy, committed community united behind a long term strategy to
reduce substance abuse with the lowest youth and college student
substance abuse rates in Florida.
To read more see the "About" section.
Leon Collegiate Success Initiative Project
RDMC administered a project initiative to work with Florida State University, Florida A & M University, and Tallahassee Community College to reduce alcohol abuse among underage college students. See the details of the project and view the reports!
A new resource is now available. Check out the Foundation for a Drug Free World Website.